Jharkhand Inclusive Education Program (JIEP)

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Jharkhand Inclusive Education Program (JIEP)

ChetnaVikas has been implementing the program ‘Jharkhand Inclusive Education Program` in ten blocks of Dumka district since 2012 funded by Sightsavers International, a philanthropic organization working with the visually impaired people of society.“Inclusive Education” means that all students attend and welcomed by their neighborhood schools in age-appropriate, regular classes and are supported to learn, contribute and participate in all aspects of the life at the school. Inclusive education is about how we develop and design our schools, classrooms, programs and activities so that all students learn and participate together. At present Sarva siksha Abhiyan of Jharkhand Education Project Council has also extend their hand holding support towards better implementation of the program.

Inclusive Education Project is developed with the aim of making quality education a reality for all children with disabilities, where as Jharkhand Social Inclusion Project is developed to improve the socio economic standard of the Person with Disabilities by engaging them with various types of livelihood activities. The projects aims at making improvement at systemic and environmental level in order to accommodate the needs of all children irrespective of their disabilities and other demographic determinants & to improve the standard of living of the person with disabilities.

In “Jharkhand Inclusive Education” program the main goal is to enroll all the disabled or differently able children in their local government sponsored or other any school, because Education is the basic right to all & the disable child have the right to read in school. The program is basically meant for enrolled the visually impaired child in school, help them to adopt class room environment, help the teachers’ through imparting training session comprised by demonstration of some specific teaching techniques, process of using various types of teaching learning materials, which may be used for the better learning of the children & how to use Information & Communication tools in the field of teaching. Thus it aims at mainstreaming the visually differently abled child. The children are also given Braille kits, Braille machines, Tab which has emerged as a useful learning tool for the children.

It has been realized that for Visual Impaired Children development of ICT related skills are very much essential as the visual impaired children can easily adopt anything related to ICT related field & for them ICT related skill is very essential to the betterment of their education. To keep this view in mind TAB & Daisy Player have been distributed as ICT devices to numbers of visual impaired children of Dumka district.

The main activities have undertaken in the program is as follows,

1) Skill development training to the visual impaired children on Braille education, orientation mobility, ICT based skill development & allied.

2) Impart training to class room teachers on Braille education & Inclusive Education

3) Regular home & school visit to the visual impaired children.

4) Ensure the enrolment of the visual impaired children in school.

5) Generate awareness among the musses about the policies made by the government for the benefit of the visual impaired children & maintaining good liaison with the government officials & departments.

Total Visual Impaired Children covered under this program Total area covered under the program Total visual impaired children received any devices under the program Total visual impaired children received ICT based skill development training
L.V T.B Entire Dumka district (10 blocks) TAB Braille Kit Daisy Player Brailler Low Vision Device        134
224 108 68 98 42 14 11


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